Books Danesh, H.B. with Azin Nasseri (2017), The Unity-Based Family: An Empirical Study of Healthy Marriage, Family, and Parenting, Volume 8 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Danesh, H.B. (2013), Fever in the World of the Mind: On the Causes and Prevention of Violence, Volume 5 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series, Victoria (Canada), EFP Press. Danesh, H.B. (2012) The Mysterious Case of the IW’s, A Book on Death for Children, Volume 3 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series. Victoria (Canada), EFP Press. Danesh, H.B. (2011), Education for Peace Reader, Volume 4 of Education for Peace Curriculum Series, Victoria (Canada), EFP Press. Danesh, H.B. (2010, 2nd Edition). Peace Moves: an exploration for young people, Volume 2 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series. Vancouver, EFP Press. Clarke-Habibi, Sara (2008), Educating for a Civilization of Peace: Proceedings of the 2007 International Education for Peace Conference, Vancouver, EFP Press Danesh, H.B. & Clarke-Habibi, S. (2007), Education for Peace Curriculum Manual: a conceptual and practical guide, Volumes 1 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series. Vancouver, EFP Press. Danesh, H.B. & Clarke-Habibi, S. (2007), Education for Peace Curriculum Manual: a conceptual and practical guide. Volume 10 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series, Book 1. Vancouver, EFP Press. Danesh, H.B. & Clarke-Habibi, S. (2007), Education for Peace Curriculum Manual: a conceptual and practical guide, Volume 11 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series, Book 2. Vancouver, EFP Press. Note: Six of the above volumes are also available in Spanish and two volumes in the BiH languages.
Manuals Danesh, Roshan, (2007), Youth Peace-builders Network Mentor Training Manual, Victoria, BC, EFP Press. (Manuscript format, available at training workshops) Danesh, Roshan, et al (2006), Youth Peace-builders Network Student Training Manual, Victoria, BC, EFP Press. (Manuscript format, available at training workshops) Danesh, Roshan and Danesh, H.B. (2005) Comprehensive Leadership Development Program, Victoria, BC, EFP Press. (Manuscript format, available at training workshops) Danesh, Roshan and Danesh, H.B. (2002) Peace-Based Conflict Resolution Training Manual (to be completed)
Book Chapters Danesh, H.B. (2015) Education for Peace in Bosnia Herzegovina: How Do We Know It Is Working? In Peace Education Evaluation: Learning from Experience and Exploring Prospects, Celina Del Felice, Aaron Karako, and Andrea Wisler, editors, Charlotte, NC, Information Age Publishing, INC. (Chapter 10, pp 145-162) Danesh, H. B. (2014). Future of the Family and the Family of Future: The Unity-based Family and the Advent of a Civilization of Peace. In Nurturing Families around the world: Building a Culture of Peace, Catherine Bernard and John J. Shea, Editors, Sage Publications, LA, London, New Delhi, Singapore. Danesh, H.B. (2013). Gender Equality and the Conflict-free Family. In Family, Heart of Humanity, Catherine Bernard and John Shea, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. Danesh, H.B. (2010). Human Needs Theory, Conflict, and Peace: In Search of an Integrated Model. In Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology, D. J. Christie, Editor. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. Danesh, H.B. (2010). Unity-Based Peace Education: Education for Peace Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina—A Chronological Case Study. In Handbook of Peace Education, Gavriel Salomon and Ed Cairns, Eds. Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY. Danesh, H.B. (2009). Unity Building as Violence Prevention, in Violent Crime and Prisons: Population, Health Conditions and Recidivism, Aidan Renshaw and Emelina Suárez, Editors, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY. Danesh, H.B. (2008). Unity-Based Peace Education. In Encyclopedia of Peace Education, Monisha Bajaj, Editor, Information Age Publishing, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina. Danesh, H.B. (2007). Education for Peace: the pedagogy of civilization. In: Addressing Ethnic Conflict through Peace Education: International Perspectives, Zvi Beckerman and Claire McGlynn, Eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Ltd, New York, NY. Danesh, H.B. and Danesh, R.P. (2004). Baha’i Consultation: Worldview or Process? In Healing the Body Politics, Charles O. Lerche, George Ronald Publisher, Oxford, U.K. Danesh, H.B. (2002). Breaking the cycle of violence: Education for Peace.African civil society organization and development: re-evaluation for the 21st Century, United Nations, New York, NY.
Other Books (selected list) Danesh, H.B. (1979). The Violence-Free Society: A gift for Our Children, Bahá’í Studies, 2, 1979. Danesh, H.B. (1986) Unity: The Creative Foundation of Peace. Ottawa and Toronto: Bahá’í Studies Publications and Fitzhenry & Whiteside Danesh, H.B. (1995). The Violence-Free Family: Building Block of a Peaceful Civilization.Ottawa: Bahá’í Studies Publications. Danesh, H.B. (1997). The Psychology of Spirituality: From Divided Self to Integrated Self. Switzerland: Landegg Academy. Danesh, H.B. (2010). Unity of Faith and Reason in Action: A Journey of Discovery. Juxta Publishing, Hong Kong. Note: Four of the above titles have been translated from English into several other languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Czech, Persian, and Spanish.
Articles (selected list) Clarke-Habibi, S. (2005) Transforming Worldviews: The Case of Education for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Transformative Education, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 33-56 Danesh, H.B. (2002). Breaking the cycle of violence: Education for Peace. In African civil society organization and development: re-evaluation for the 21st Century. United Nations, New York. Danesh, H.B., & Danesh R. (2002). Has conflict resolution grown up?: Toward a new model of decision making and conflict resolution. International Journal of Peace Studies, 7(1), 59–76. Danesh, H.B., & Danesh R. (2002). A consultative conflict-resolution model: Beyond alternative dispute resolution. International Journal of Peace Studies. Fall/Winter, 2002. Danesh, H.B., & Danesh R. (2004). Conflict-Free Conflict Resolution (CFCR): Process and Methodology. Peace and Conflict Studies. Danesh, H.B. (2006). Towards an integrative theory of peace education.” Journal of Peace Education, 3.1, pp. 55–78. Danesh, H.B. (2008). The Education for Peace Integrative Curriculum: concepts, contents, and efficacy. Journal of Peace Education. Volume 5, No 2, September 2008, pp. 157-173 Danesh, H.B. (2008). Creating a Culture of Healing in Multiethnic Communities: An Integrative Approach to Prevention and Amelioration of Violence-Induced Conditions. Journal of Community Psychology, Volume 36, No 6. pp. 814-832 Danesh, H.B. (2017), Peace-Based Education Reform, International Journal of Education and Research, (scheduled for publication in 2017)
Audio-Visual Productions Over the years many of the EFP lectures and training workshop presentations have been recorded. However, these materials need to be edited. In addition, two professionally produced EFP programs are available: Embracing Our Humanity, a blended curriculum aimed at promoting multiculturalism and eliminating racial discrimination. Produced with funding from Embrace BC through the BC Ministry of Citizens’ Services and the Government of Canada. It is produced jointly by TM NewMedia and International Education for Peace Institute (Canada) and designed for teachers, educational counsellors, intercultural workers, parents and community members. It may be accessed at: Peace Moves, a DVD production based on Peace Moves: an exploration for young people, Volume 2 of Education for Peace Integrated Curriculum Series. (For middle and high school students, their teachers and parents.) Healthy Marriage / Family / Parenting(a 2-day workshop) Link: Dr H B Danesh: This Moment in History - A Baha'i Perspective on Now and Future Dr. H. Danesh <>